Making friends across the world
I have been feeling like writing about people for days. I have many things in my head, so I hope I am not so messy with my feelings. It's that people, the one that makes us feel through all the pores of our skin, the one that makes you feel at home without even knowing you, like Aurora and her daughter Aurora, Elvira's sister, whom I became friends with in New Zealand because she was a friend of Mechi, my friend. Aurora and Aurora not only agreed to stay at their home in Córdoba, Spain without knowing us, but in addition to staying and that Aurora daughter leaves us her room with all the love, they made us feel literally at home, they took us for a walk, we went To dinner at his parents' house, we talked and talked, we felt so happy, that it was the first time I saw Beni crying sadly when he said goodbye, he couldn't even say goodbye to how sad he was.
With Aurora, that crumb forever.
Then it is these things, these people, these moments, these situations, which I repeat again, I don't know why, but they appear in our life in some way, this time, for the friend of a friend who became my friend and asked his sister and his niece to stay with us and they did it with all the love. They told us how happy they were that we were there with them and we told them how happy they made us feel being with them. There are such special moments in life, we love Córdoba, but I know that we not only love it for Córdoba itself, but for having been in the house of the two Auroras. People make a difference on a trip, one can be in Paris, that place dreamed of by so many, but if the energy of the people does not go with us, if for something someone made us feel bad, if something happened that we did not feel well, then Paris would become a not so pretty memory.
With Mana, we met only for a few hours in Barcelona, but he was one of those special people.
I lived it, I experienced it, I passed it, that's why I wanted to share them, tell them that it doesn't matter where we are, but what matters most is who we are with. I learned on this trip that things are not lacking any more, that it is not judged more, that something is not done that does not feel to look good, that if a place or a person does not like us, we move, then there we are being true How many times it happens that over time those old friends that we love so much at some point, no longer share, or no longer feel, or whatever, do not worry my brave! They can still be friends forever, but it is not necessary to force a relationship because it was always, you have to let go, let it flow.
Jani and Davidko, they already know them, came by surprise to Barcelona after we were at their home in Bratislava for almost a month.
People are energy, like places, moments, so if something is not flowing, you have to let go. How many times did I think that I would forever live in the same house, work in the same place, have the same friends? It was super tidy, projected, anticipated, anxious, but here next to me, I have this being of a husband who taught me to release from the first day, he took me out of my comfort zone and then here I am in Darío's house that We rented at Airbnb, which has three meerkats in the courtyard, in Seville, Spain, with my husband and two children, having lived the most bizarre experiences and in the most incredible places. So, as Beni says, at the end it doesn't even matter (in the end it doesn't even matter). In the end we go to that other side with nothing of what we have here, with nothing of what we accumulate, but I am convinced that we do go with all those moments lived, with all those experiences, feelings, with all that I know that we let's go to the other side.
Of course it sounds repeated, but did you ever think why it will be? Let's live today, because tomorrow we literally don't know anything that can happen to us. Let us embrace those new people in our lives, let me in, let go of what we no longer feel and live today with all that scrambled. Yes gentlemen, today, not yesterday, not tomorrow. Come on, life may surprise us, and as my friend Mark said, sometimes we have no idea why a door opens, we have no idea why we know that person, but Mark is sure at 82, that door is going to take somewhere good, to something nice, that for something opened, that for something you found yourself there. Ah! who is Mark?
In Budapest on Mark's divine balcony.
Yes! Is that Mark is a magical person, totally magical. We were walking through Budapest and in a corner we stopped and said, which way are we going? For here, said Artur. And there we went. That a few steps away I find a mini coffee, I was dying for a latte with almond milk, so I entered and while I waited, I see two men talking, one was older and the other about 45. The older man was so cool , I couldn't help interrupting them and telling him what I liked the ring he was wearing. He told me, thanks and continued his conversation. After a while the two men went out to the street where we were with Beni playing the trick, the youngest tells me, is that he makes the rings. Oh no! I froze, but how could this man who should be playing chess in the craving square make this ring flash? So Mark, who looked younger than me, tells me, I design them, I have a museum in my house. Well, you will know my face when he told me that he had a museum in his house and that face made him almost obligatorily say, if you want you can come tomorrow to see it. I hugged him. I hugged him directly. We stayed for tomorrow at six in the afternoon, and as a girl waiting for her birthday, I could not stand until it is tomorrow at six in the afternoon.
We bought a wine to take as a gift, but he gave us the gift. He waited for us with orange juice for the boys and some rustic potatoes that he had cooked, the gift was to spend with him that magical afternoon, which will forever remain in my heart, that afternoon in which we chat, we laugh, we look at each other, He showed us his house, all the treasures he kept there, made by him. Mark turned out to be a famous decorator of super famous movie scenes, the one who made the crown of Miss Universe, which of course I tried on. It turned out to be a totally wonderful person, full of life, joy, passion, creativity, madness and love. He gave us stories and shared experiences. I carry with me a work of his hanging from my neck, I love it. So thanks to Mark and all those magical people that we met along the way, thanks also to those people who accompanied us but we no longer need our side, thanks for letting us release them. As they say here in Spain, but how cool, how cool is the magic people.