Back home in Argentina
And so, almost as if no time had passed, it's already been a bit more than a year we've spent traveling. At the same time each second of this trip has meant so much and the exact amount of time we needed on this trip been achieved. I needed to give Magoo (my mom) a big bear hug, and most importantly I wanted to see the embrace between her and my children, she needed to hug them and I needed to hug her as well.
We arrived and was raining.
Everything sounds so nice in terms of thoughts and words. Going back to Argentina meant so many things, we felt the need to touch base for a while, of getting all the love from our friends and family and getting to see all the people that are part of our lives in one way or another was also something we looked forward to. However, when the time to reserve our return tickets came around we were in Bratislava, Slovakia, that day Artur found the most affordable plane tickets and he asked me: "are you ready?, should I book them?" my answer was an assured "Yes, of course." But I really wasn't ready, at all. That same night I went out with Janka, my friend, and I literally vomited in the restroom of the restaurant where we were that night. I immediately assumed something I ate may have given me an upset stomach. The following morning I gave what happened to me the night before more thought and I realized that what had upset my stomach was the thought of having a set date to return to Argentina.
With grandpa Archi.
Deep inside I knew that it wasn't a fully acknowledged return, but even more deeply inside I wasn't totally sure of that either. I felt, somehow, that this was the end of our trip, at least a part of this trip, and "oh goodness gracious!" this was a difficult realization. Leaving Argentina had been difficult for me and I was feeling that going back was going to be just as difficult. I was afraid of not knowing how I was going to feel to be back in my country, going back to all those people I had missed so much, all those people I hadn't seen for over a year. How would I feel after having experienced so many personal changes?. I knew it'd no longer be just the four of us, because as soon as we'd set foot in Buenos Aires, everyone who'd be welcoming us would inevitably make that special bond that we had formed by being just the four of us, somehow different.
And so, the day arrived, I enjoyed every moment of this year long trip that has been like no other and that hasn't changed even on the day of our return to Argentina. We arrived to Argentina and there Magoo and Manchu (my sister-in-law) were waiting for us at the airport. The hugs and kisses we gave each other were magical. The kids hugged their grandmother and she hugged them, it was a very longed for moment. Feeling as if no time had gone by, but at the same time so much time had passed and we had been through so many things. Telling each other how we had been, how we felt, there was so much to listen to about each other, so much to talk about, but our mother and daughter eyes gazing into each other spoke so much more than words could ever say.
This is all. Fran, Palo, Almi and Kali are my children of the soul. Here with Palo, harvesting mint for lemonade.
Magical welcome moments, we felt 'strange', we felt the urge of going away again, while at the same time we also felt the need to enjoy every moment of seeing again everyone we had missed so much, we're still in that process of reconnecting with everyone. Each encounter with each person is so different and unique, for instance I hugged Silvia so tightly, she's the person to whom I sold all my clothes before leaving. I brought her some more clothes that I no longer wear and I stayed there for a while and we had such a profound talk, she gave me such a nice hug, we really only saw each other a few times, but somethings like that special connection we have are just magical. I feel an inexplicable roller-coaster of emotions inside, everything before my eyes and within my heart gives me a swirl of emotions that I can't control. I have a peaceful and calm feeling inside my heart, and at the same time I feel a passionate fire and a river of strong emotions that flow through me and 'sweep me away'.
I want to leave again and at the same time I want to stay. I need "Los Magoo", being alone, just the four of us again, while at the same time I want to be surrounded by all the love we find in the people we have in Buenos Aires. We're in for some time of 'touching base' here in Buenos Aires so we can stop and listen to our hearts and be able to hear what it has to say from deep within. I don't dare to say a word, but I can tell you that "Los Magoo" are recharging to keep going with this adventure that has changed our lives in so many ways. This time in Buenos Aires is needed to review many things and to be able to get organized. As that saying that I love so much goes: "We are exactly where we are supposed to be."