Stroller or not?
This is such an important topic if you have children. Before setting out on this trip we went through this very topic twenty times over, because our initial thought was that bringing our stroller along would translate into one more thing to carry along with us, but on the other hand, if we were going to be walking long distances, it's always a good thing to have a stroller. We ended up deciding not to take it with us and it turned out to be a great decision because during the first couple of months we stayed in Bali where walking is almost impossible, so bringing the stroller would have been useless.
Let me tell you about our experience when we arrived in Singapore. Singapore is walkable, walkable, walkable, and the heat was such that all I asked the universe for was a stroller; our two kids kept complaining with each step we too with an "I'm soooo tired." Of course I knew how they felt and felt for them, we could not take the heat anymore and we were tired from the long walk, not a good combination.
City and heat. Stroller, essential for us.
We headed to Universal Studios, that place that was way over budget for us, but we still went there because we figured that the kids would love it. Luckily, they had double strollers for rent and we had an amazing time. At one point we met a lady who had such a wonderful stroller, easy to carry and ideal to travel with, and I asked her where she had gotten it; her answer was that someone had given it away to her and she could give it to me by the end of the day because she'd no longer need it. My faced revealed total shock and love for her gesture, but as silly as I am, as I was telling Artur about her kind offer and Artur would tell me it wasn't really something we'd need, the lady kept walking away and got lost in the distance and I lost the chance to get that precious gift. So, ok, we had no stroller while in Singapore. When we got to Malasia, the heat was even more unbearable, and there too, we had to walk, but as my nick name should be "persevere and you shall overcome" I kept trying to talk Artur into getting a stroller, until he said: "do whatever you want," and so I did, and I went off to buy a stroller. That stroller which we can't live without when we're in a city or in a place where walking is needed, although the kids can walk, but on occasions the heat is overwhelming and we need the stroller for the mental health of all of us, so nowadays this stroller is our best ally.
It did break and we fixed it, because it isn't a double stroller, we actually turned a single stroller into a double stroller, they share the seat and fit in a bit tightly, but they're both being wheeled around, so it serves the purpose.
So to answer the question stroller vs. no stroller?, the answer is yes, bring along a stroller. Of course you know your child better than anyone else, but I must admit that the buying the stroller was the best decision and it is our best acquisition while on this trip, it's been a life saver, and if while on your trip you realize you don't really use it, you can always give it away, there will surely be someone out there who may need it and put it to good use.