Thinking outside the box - life on the road
I was just thinking about a title for this post and reading a magazine I saw it, Out of the Box. How difficult it is to go through dreams, how difficult it is to get out of the comfort zone, get out of the traditional, what we were taught as the best, the right thing, what had to be like that. Getting off that path that we always think was going to be ours, accepting that what we think all our lives no longer goes with what we feel today. Maybe we don't like what we study a little, but we have to keep doing it because we study it some years of our life, but some years of our life are our whole life?
Let's trust, like Blas in this photo. Let's hope we can.
Accept that things change, people change, feelings change, thoughts change, our tastes change, it is not easy, besides accepting it and realizing that it is a big step, the hardest thing is to go a little further , is to go for what we really want. Maybe it's trying a contemporary dance class, when all our life they told us how bad we danced, but who takes that smile off you in front of the mirror to go totally to the other side than the rest of the class ?, maybe it's stop look at what the other does and see how happy he is doing it, to start doing what we like, maybe it is to change jobs, neighborhoods, gymnasium, go another way to the greengrocer, get rid of what It no longer serves us and from whom it is no longer good for us, perhaps it is to accept that the person we choose as a companion for our life no longer accompanies us as before, and change, leave the comfort zone, Out of the Box, accept and act, despite everything.
Why do I say despite everything? Because there will be a thousand and one excuses to stay in the mold, inside the box. People are uncomfortable that we change, because that means that we are a mirror to the other and the other knows that something also has to change.
You will also get angry on the road, but then you will be happy.
We can reinvent ourselves until the last day, and that's what life is for, to play it, to live it fully and not to waste time on something we don't want to do, if to waste time on something we like to do. Maybe it happens to me like me, I don't know exactly what I want most of the time, but I know what I don't want anymore, if I know when it's time to change, act and start over.
Carry all these flowers on a motorcycle? It seems impossible.
All very pretty, right? They left everything and went on a trip, but who could? You can. I repeat, it is not going on a trip and leaving everything, because that all comes with you, I assure you. But do you dare to go to that dance class? Do you dare to change your way to the greengrocer? Do you dare to change jobs? Do you dare to quit your job and be independent? Do you dare to leave everything and go to travel the world? No. Yes. The answer does not matter, what does matter is that you do not stay inside the box, sometimes the box is own, sometimes it is familiar, sometimes it is foreign, sometimes we have already come like this and we feel that we cannot get out. I promise you can always leave, and if I'm wrong? Bravo! So it means that you tried, that you chose to change that something, even if it is minimal, that it was no longer with you.
Go ahead, press that button, here we are to tell you that you can always. Is it going to be easy? NO. Will it hurt? MUCH. I will like it? A LOT.