Letting go!
Letting go is a term that has long been part of our lives, because without having let go, we wouldn't be here. Whenever I hear or think of the words letting go, I visualize a hand that's holding something or someone and it opens, and that whatever it was holding flies away. And that's almost what's happened, we let go and we flew away. However I sometimes feel that there are some things that I can't quite completely let go of yet; as if there were computer chips installed in my system telling me what I have to do, how and when to do it, and those are the things I want to let go of the most, those are the ones that mess with my thoughts the most, the ones that give me the hardest of times, for instance, what has to be in a certain or given way, that a certain job must be done this or that way, or that educating your children must be done this or that way.
Homemade hammock with a basket of vegetables, we like to recycle and reuse. We cannot do these things while traveling, so we also release that many things are different when we are moving.
I am certain that in our case, we have let go of as a family and as individuals, we more than have let go, we actually sold everything, for real we did, and I can't even begin to tell you about the time when I was reading the book written by Marie Kondo I read about "that vintage dress that you love and was like finding a jewel, that looks so ugly on you, that you never wear must go." I highly recommend reading her book, its called "The Life Changing Magic of Tidying up." I read that book and suddenly something inside of me 'clicked', all of a sudden there was a recognizable 'before and after' within me. I almost had a nervous breakdown, because really, I had things in my closet that were hung there just to make my closet look pretty, but looked ugly on me. That's when the tidying up of all things in our lives began, material things as well as the more personal matters such as those we no longer wanted to be nor do.
Furniture, ornaments, things, everything we release. I built this house with so much love, and with the same love, I released it.
We sold everything, we let go of pictures, letters, keepsakes, those little special things that we all store away in boxes somewhere for years, all those things are the things we let go of. We still continue to let go of things to this day. We have a rule: if we acquire something new, something old must be let go of. And the ones that are truly into this are these precious children who have come to understand that if there is a new toy or a new piece of clothing, something old is going away. Who would've thought that I, having been a lover of clothes and pretty things, would be dressed with the same clothes that I love but wear day after day? Never in a million years, however, here I am, doing just that. I'm learning along the way to understand that we aren't what we own, we are not what we wear, we are not not the job that we do each day, and most importantly we are not the money that we have in our bank accounts. I'm telling you: we are the purity of our own being and that getting to the point when you understand that, takes a lot of self reflection and soul searching, something I do each and every day, I feel like I'm taking a test about it every day of my life, as I understand and experience things, and mostly as I learn from my own children who are the ones that teach me that we are the present day we live on, right here, right now in this present moment, that's all that we have.